Ereo Consulting
Our services
Partner of your Sustainable Future
Whether you are designing a new building or improving your existing asset, we have the service you need!
Part L and Part O of the Building Regulations are essential components of UK building standards, focusing on energy efficiency and thermal comfort, respectively. Part L sets minimum standards for energy performance, ensuring that buildings are designed and constructed to minimise energy consumption. Compliance with Part L is crucial for reducing carbon emissions and lowering energy costs.
Part O, on the other hand, addresses the indoor thermal comfort and supports the design of modern and comfortable houses. Adhering to Part O helps create healthier and more comfortable indoor environments.
By complying with both Part L and Part O, building owners and developers can contribute to a more sustainable future, reduce operational costs, and improve the overall well-being of building occupants.
Decarbonisation strategy
Our decarbonisation service provides a comprehensive approach to reducing a building's carbon footprint. By conducting a TM54 in-use energy assessment, we identify potential energy inefficiencies and we recommend measures to improve performance. This assessment is now required for the majority of new buildings and to unlock specific funding requirements.
An Embodied Carbon (EC) assessment evaluates the environmental impact of a building throughout its entire lifecycle, from construction to demolition. This analysis helps identify opportunities to reduce embodied carbon, such as selecting low-carbon materials and minimising waste.
The Whole Life Carbon (WLC) assessment combines these assessments providing a comprehensive overview of the expected carbon impact of your building during a 60-years timeframe. The WLC assessment is the key document for all the clients interested in a deep understanding of the carbon impact of their asset.
BREEAM support
Our engineering company offers comprehensive BREEAM evidence services to help clients achieve and demonstrate their sustainability goals. We work closely with project teams to gather analyse and produce the necessary documentation to demonstrate compliance with specific BREEAM credits. Ereo Consulting can support your BREEAM journey with a range of services to include compliance with ENE01, ENE04, HEA04, MAT01 credits. By providing clear and concise evidence, we help clients securing BREEAM certification, enhancing their project's environmental credentials and improving its overall sustainability performance. Our services are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project, ensuring that all necessary evidence is collected and submitted on time.
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Company registration no: 16081248